Governor Burgum Requests Federal Aid for 19 Counties
Governor Doug Burgum on May 24, 2019, requested a presidential major disaster declaration as a result of widespread spring flooding. The Governor requested enactment of the Public Assistance Program for 19 counties and implementation of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program on a statewide basis.
Flooding occurred throughout the state, including areas seldom subjected to high waters, prompting the evacuations and rescue of stranded residents and motorists. Powerful floodwaters moved homes off foundations, washed surface gravel and culverts from county and township roads and threatened to disrupt businesses and lifeline infrastructure. Floodwaters swamped farmland and damaged equipment and buildings, resulting in a serious economic hardship for our state’s agriculture producers. Saturated and inundated roads impeded emergency response vehicles, disrupted school bus transportation, and prevented access to fields and pastures for farmers and ranchers.
Counties included in the declaration are: Adams, Barnes, Cass, Dickey, Emmons, Grand Forks, Grant, Hettinger, LaMoure, Logan, McKenzie, Morton, Pembina, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Steele, Traill and Walsh.