
Federal assistance in the wake of a disaster is coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In accordance with the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended by Public Law 100-707, and the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, Public Law 106-390, Public Assistance funds are made available to repair eligible infrastructure damage caused by a disaster beyond local and state government recovery capability. Under the Public Assistance (PA) Program, FEMA provides supplemental aid to state, local, tribal and qualified Private Non Profit (PNP) organizations. The federal share of these expenses typically cannot be less that 75 percent of the eligible costs. 

The State of North Dakota is a managing state. Under the State Management of Disasters (SMD), initiative is a program for states that have the capability to manage all aspect of Public Assistance field operations, including project eligibility reviews, process control of Project Worksheets (PW) and resource allocation on small projects. FEMA still retains final obligation authority, to ensure compliance with environmental and historic preservation laws, participates in quality control reviews with the state, and provides technical assistance as requested by the state.

All disasters are operated in accordance with guidance from the following governmental regulation, policies, and executive orders. 

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