Monday, June 24, 2019 - 08:00 am Categories:
Press Release

BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Department of Emergency Services (NDDES) this week received notification, after coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), that approximately $18 million in North Dakota hazard mitigation projects were selected for further review under the federal agency’s Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) programs for fiscal year 2018. Through the nationally competitive programs, communities can receive a 75 percent federal cost share to implement projects that will prevent damages from natural hazards.


More than 75 state, local and tribal governments submitted applications for available FEMA program funding for 2018.


“I congratulate our applicants on being selected by FEMA for further review and applaud their efforts in taking proactive measures to reduce or, in some cases, eliminate hazards and risks posed by potential disasters in their communities,” said Cody Schulz, director of North Dakota Homeland Security.


According to Justin Messner, NDDES recovery and mitigation chief, FEMA’s PDM program, which had a national budget of $250 million federal share in 2018, can be used to prevent damages from any type of natural hazard. The FMA program, which had a national budget of $160 million federal share, can only be used to prevent flood damages to properties or buildings that are insured by the National Flood Insurance Program.


Some of the projects selected from within North Dakota, include:


  • Permanent flood protection for the City of Fargo’s water treatment and wastewater treatment plants, which would protect the entire city’s potable water and wastewater capabilities during storm and river flood events.


  • Storm shelter installations at the Tobacco Gardens Recreational Area in McKenzie County and in the City of Beulah.


  • Stabilization of six riverbank locations along the James River in the City of Jamestown.


  • Funding for the second phase of the University of Mary’s bank stabilization project in the City of Bismarck.


  • Funding for 11 local multi-hazard mitigation plans in various locations across the state.



Since 1997, a total of $253 million in local, tribal, state and federal funding has been leveraged for mitigation projects that have reduced the impacts of flooding, severe winter weather, severe summer weather and other hazards and threats in North Dakota.


According to a study by the National Institute for Building Standards, pre-disaster mitigation saves an average of $6 for every $1 spent. Additionally, the Pew Charitable Trusts recently identified that North Dakota saves an average of $6.55 for every $1 spent on mitigation projects. 


For more information about hazard mitigation, visit






For More Information, Contact:

Eric Jensen, Strategic Communications Chief

North Dakota Department of Emergency Services

701-391-8158 (cell)